Home - Sabin.io

Data Solutions

Thinking, Building, Operating

Our Approach

The most successful software delivery functions have common traits. They have:
  1. An understanding of how technology and business functions interact.
  2. Familiarity with the technology landscape and what to deploy.
  3. Expertise in the key areas of engineering, security, automation, and testing.
  4. Clarity of business goals and sharp focus on delivering against them.
We help our customers achieve success because we can see how you go from where you are, to where you need to get to. We can do this because:
  • We look for what is holding you back
  • We evaluate – who is best placed to deliver? Your team, Sabin.io consultants, and where appropriate a carefully chosen partner.
  • We prioritise - quick wins, urgent fixes, defining a strategic roadmap.
  • We do - our Data Engineering / DataOps expertise and the tooling we have developed takes the technical burden away from your internal teams and enables them to deliver value.

How we work.

Our absolute focus is improving the speed and accuracy of delivery.

To achieve this, we initially review our customers data estate and business functions, looking at:

Process (people & technology), database management, technology estate, DevOps / DataOps process, application architecture, tooling and technology, organisational goals & associated KPI's and Cloud adoption.

Once completed, we will be able to identify the barriers to success and root causes of problems. They will invariably fall into one or more of the following categories:
  • Process & Structure (incorrect focus, spending too much time on non-value activities, poorly defined specifications)
  • Technology (system complexity, technical debt, sub-optimal Cloud adoption)
  • Knowledge (fear of change, lack of required technical skills, security controls, poor engineering principles, insufficient testing and automation)
Finally, we work with you to deliver the solution. Our focus is on enablement, so where possible we educate and mentor your teams, if necessary we will take ownership of delivery, and reduce our involvement over time as your team becomes a truly successful data engineering function.

Who would benefit?

Businesses that are or want to be making the most of their data.

Together We Build Data That Adapts

We empower businesses, in particular the people that work with data, to bring about these important changes by using a DataOps approach.


With the ever increasing use of cloud platforms your data resides in many systems, platforms and locations.

We understand data integration and how to do that quickly, reliably and in a way that supports your business.

We can integrate data from relational databases, software services, application apis, business files and then make the data available in your data lake, data mesh or data warehouse. Whether its megabytes or petabytes we can make that data available.

Our practices use DataOps processes with metadata driven patterns ensuring ease and speed of change, testing and validation.

We utilise Azure Data Factory, Logic Apps, Azure Functions and Data Bricks targeting Relational Databases, Data Warehouse, Data Lakes, and external SSAS systems with API integrations.


We specialise in delivering data warehouse solutions that transform your raw data into actionable insights that fit your business. We work with your business to understand its needs and the data that is available. Our data.integration capabilities mean we can produce a quick proof-of-concept or a robust system to support your business, empowering you to make data-driven decisions with confidence, drive strategic growth and operational efficiency.


Sabin.io has 30 years of working with database platforms. Our experience and knowledge includes:
  • Optimising and scaling SQL Server
  • Migrating database systems to the cloud
  • Optimising cloud usage
  • Multi tenant deployment for ISVs
  • Implementing DataOps
Our customers also benefit from our close working relationship with the Microsoft Product Teams.


Our data.review gives you an objective view on your data systems, your engineering process and the alignment with your business. It identifies the bottlenecks and challenges in your existing delivery lifecycle.

The Sabin.io data.review looks at: culture, tooling, operability & observability, security, and cost-effectiveness. Our observations are then presented in an easy-to-understand Red/Amber/Green format, with further analysis and our best-practice recommendations to help you achieve your desired target state.

What you get:
  • Our senior data consultant(s) working with your team for 2-5 days.
  • All necessary workshops and sessions to capture the current state of your Data and DataOps activities.
  • A report with an objective description of your DataOps and data pipeline maturity, along with our observations and recommendations.
  • A debriefing session for your chosen senior stakeholders.